Join the WWWCC Community League Board of Directors as Secretary! Your contribution to our team would make a meaningful difference in our community. Take a moment to review the job description. If it resonates with you, reach out to to express your interest and discuss this exciting leadership position. We can’t wait for you to join us!



  • The Board of Directors is the legal authority for the Westridge Wolf Willow Country Club Community League.

Term of Office

  • Term of office is 1 year.

General Duties/Requirements

  • A director is expected to be fully informed on community league matters and participate in discussions and decisions in matters of policy, finance, programs, personnel and advocacy.
  • Commit to the work of the organization.
  • Review the board’s conduct and monitor its performance to ensure compliance with bylaws and policies.
  • Speak positively of the league and assist in developing and maintaining positive relations among the board, committees and communities to enhance the league’s mission.
  • Orient new board members.
  • Prepare for and arrive on time for all required meetings.
  • Develop, monitor, review and approve all policies and other recommendations received from the board, its standing committees and staff.
  • Review the bylaws and recommend changes to the membership.
  • Participate in the development of the league’s organizational plan, annual review and budget.
  • Approve the budget and other financial matters.
  • Prepare and present required reports at board meetings.
  • Prepare and present an annual report at the annual general meeting.


  • Keeps copies of the bylaws, minutes and other documents.
  • Keeps lists of Directors, committees and general membership.
  • Notifies board members of meetings and includes agenda, noting items that need special preparation.
  • Records all minutes during board and general meetings.
  • Digitally file correspondence on Google Workspace.
  • Ensures there is a quorum.
  • Records all motions and decisions of meetings.
  • Signs minutes to attest to their accuracy.
  • Distribute copies of minutes to directors and post minutes online (if applicable) promptly after meetings (and at least 10 days before the next meeting).
  • Notifies members of general meetings.
  • Files the annual return, amendments to the bylaws and other incorporating documents with the Corporate Registry.
  • In the absence of the chairperson and vice-chairperson, chairs board meetings until the election of an alternate chairperson.
  • Archives league records.